Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The #dailywisdom Project

Are you a glass half full or glass half empty kind of person? Most days, do you find yourself complaining or speaking positively?

The #dailywisdom project was inspired by a classmate of mine last year. She sent out a morning text message to about 30 people with an inspirational quote or message to help us start our day on a positive note. When she stopped sending out texts a few months ago, I found myself really missing the reminder to stay upbeat. So about 6 months ago I started sending my own inspirational text to the members of my immediate family and a few people who share my positive attitude, partly for their sake, and partly to keep myself motivated too. And so, #dailywisdom was born.

Over the last few months, I have been working daily to improve my attitude and re-train my focus toward light, hope, and happiness through statuses and photos posted to Facebook and #dailywisdom texts. Recently, my posts have outgrown Facebook, and although I will continue to post regularly, I will now be contributing the majority of my messages here. Thank you for joining me on my journey!

The Rules: Yes, I will post whatever I want, as often as I want, but I promise to keep it as negativity-free as possible (yes, this includes the exclusion of profanity). Since I am working on keeping out the darkness, I expect that you will as well. That being said, all negative, profane, spam, and other inappropriate comments will be deleted. Sorry, my blog, my rules and I really want to keep this light. In fact, I'm hoping this will be the darkest post I ever write. So read on, fellow traveler, and we will move toward positive thinking together. ***Disclaimer: I take absolutely no credit for posted photos (unless specified). If I don't cite my source, it's because the image comes from one of my friends who I would like to keep anonymous, sorry for any inconvenience! Inspirational people/groups I follow on Facebook and probably share photos from: Positive Inspirational Quotes, Living the Law of Attraction/The Secret, The Optimism Revolution, Daily Inspiration and Motivation, Love Quotes and Sayings, Love and Inspiration, Love-Worldwide.

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